We would like to let you know how we are going to support our partners in order to overcome easier the expected financial downhill and get the best out of it on time. We are still ready for success.
Stay home and publish your ads in Sales Machinery.
Save your business! Post for FREE and reach worldwide markets for your equipment! Тake full support from Sales Machinery.
We will overcome together this COVID 19 crisis
At Sales Machinery, our entire managing team is united, focused, and committed to doing whatever we need to do, to find solutions at these insecure times. Even after the pandemic has cleared, it will be just the beginning of a long road to recover. Economically, we are venturing beyond a horizon – into circumstances our modern world has never known. While we do not know how dire these circumstances will be, we will do whatever we need to do to support and empower our clients as they rebuild and grow.
Toward that end, we are offering free listings on our platform for the following six months. This means that within the next six months, you can post your heavy machinery, trucks, and farm equipment in any of the twelve industries we created – absolutely free of charge. For businesses that are trying to find a way out of this crisis and navigate into a brighter future, we are leveraging our global marketplace. If you have considered advertising before, now is the time to make the leap.
We are all in this together. If each of us does our part – staying home, caring for each other, charting a road to recovery – we can reestablish our businesses so they are thriving once again soon. Life and health come first, of course, but we must also consider business and strive for economic stability. Sales Machinery team is staying loyal and trustful for you.
Stay home, stay healthy, and hope for the best for a better tomorrow!
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