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Get Your PERSONAL account manager

When your business is growing, you have a lot of tasks to do. To find the best market for regular and faster sales. We from Sales Machinery offer you the biggest advantage in this business - Personal account manager. Someone to pay the same attention on your inventory as you do . Someone having the time and the ability to make research where to advertise the right equipment to the right customers. Someone who is relible just as a partner, not shareholder. Someone to cover your back when you want to take a brake or go on vacation. Someone to take care your business with the same passion you do. You can find this one in Sales Machinery.

Your Personal Account Manager

Next Level International Marketplace
with sections devoted to

Machinery Equipment

International Reach With Ease

Get to know...

You can count on your Personal account manager

Your Personal account manager will guide you

All our account managers are experienced specialists

Didn't you wish for supportive partner?

The account manager is working only for your interests

Having an account manager is a huge advantage

Someone who is making advertising research regarding the local buyers needs

Someone who is capable of selling at the right place

Maximize your potential with


Your PERSONAL account manager

Our goal is to make your office operate efficiently and maximize profitability by providing you with a personal account manager that fits your unique needs. Our Account managers build a detailed understanding of their customers. They will take care of everything related to the process of posting ads in your account.

We believe the strength of our company lies within our ability to communicate with our clients.

Join the family of thousands successful sellers and buyers

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